Bottle cap Jewelry

I started creating recycled jewelry out of bottle caps last year when I was living away from home for the first time and had very few materials to work with. I found that I could use pliers to flatten bottle caps, cut them into strips, and use those strips to make a variety of different types of interesting chains and rings. The chain on the right is a design that I would like to create in more durable metal sometime in the future.


This started when I was a high school exchange student in Germany and was getting into fashion for the first time without many resources. But what I did have around me were tons of Paulaner Spezi caps with a lovely silver interior, perfect for jewelry. My friend worked occasionally as a bartender and started giving me all the extra bottle caps he had saved from being thrown away every time he saw me.

I figured out I could smash the edges flat and then cut them into strips, either to bend the sides around each other and then around my finger into a ring, or twist smaller strips into chain links to make square chains or other chain designs.

The first chain and the first few rings were very rough, but I soon got the hang of it.

First Versions

Final Versions


Custom clothing

